Monday, December 31, 2007

Last post of the year...

I've been a total slack blogger for the past few weeks. We drove to Arizona for Christmas. Two of Greg's s sisters and their families were going to be there. We had a fun and busy, busy trip. I can honestly say that Declan had the most fun of his life, playing with his 'chick cousins.'

I'll post pictures from our trip and update more next year (teehee, tomorrow).

Friday, December 14, 2007

The 1 yr anniversary of an Angel going to Heaven...

I'm a few days late, but this has been on my mind for the past several weeks. Last December a member from one of the message boards I go to lost her sweet baby girl, Teegan. She was 2 1/2 and she passed from RSV, very unexpectedly. My life changed that morning, and a day has not gone by that the family hasn't been in my thoughts at least once. For this family, the first year of 'firsts' must have been excruciatingly painful, but they have not suffered alone. Many, many 'strangers' on a message board and their own families have thought of Teegan and her family. She is truly an Angel, and she will never be forgotten.....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007


YAY! I got one of these kits from Donna Downey this morning
I am so excited!!! I've been stalking her Etsy shoppe for the past week. Wooohooo!!!

2 Peas's Challenge

Today's Challenge is: Do you try to send a family photo inside your holiday cards?
YES! That is if and when I can get a picture taken, AND it's still in time for Christmas. It's our plan to take pictures tomorrow..... V, I'll go ahead and get that Xanax now.....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

IKEA called, they missed me today!

We didn't worship at the Holy House of Ikea today, and they called to see if everything was okay.... nah, just kidding. I got the bug from the kids so I wasn't going to go anyway...... but still.

I spent the day (broken into 1000000000 segments) consolidating my sewing supplies to fit into the loft. I guess it's going to be the complete craft 'studio' once it's done. No telling when that may be, but I did get a good amount done today.

Declan IS going to school tomorrow, even if I have to amp him up on Motrin and Tylenol. He ought to be able to go,I think he just has a residual cough. He tells me that he is too sick to go, but seems to be okay otherwise. He's getting pretty smart. And it's a good thing he's so cute, because it keeps him safe.

I have another photoless post tonight, since I'm wearing the SAME thing in all of my photos. V thought is was funny I mentioned it in one of my last posts, but I'd be willing to guess that at least a few people had noticed. See! You did too!!

Alright, I'm headed back up to work in the room a little bit more before hitting the hay -