Thursday, May 1, 2008

Bean says her ABC's


Sonda T said...

omgosh that is the cutest thing evah!! And can I just say your wash/dryer in the background are GORGEOUS! Those are the ones I want to get for the house! AWESOME COLOR! You rock my friend!

Anonymous said...

Who's videographer? He's got a real future...

Amy said...

She's so stinkin' cute. Love the hair twirl while she's singing. :) Too big for her britches I tell ya!

Cheri Pryor said...

Okay...could she be any cuter? Yes. Yes she could. Just hand her a marker and let her draw. I lub her!!

Anonymous said...

Oh How cute is she, The hair twirling is exactly what my youngest does, Ohg I also noticed the washer and drier I want back in the background.