Every Sunday for the past 3 months or so, we take a 'Sunday Drive." Greg and I try to have a plan of where to go, looking at different areas to possibly move to. The kids crab and complain and ask if we are going home yet. Occassionaly Declan asks me pull over so he can puke. It's good fun =) And since we are all confined in Maxivan, it counts as family time in my book. Well, this morning was no different. We headed out the door around 11:30 and spent the day tooling around the country hills.
I've posted on my Facebook page some of the houses we've come across. Most of them are either short sales or foreclosed. The past 2 foreclosed houses have been left unlocked, and we take a peek around. Well, today we didn't get lucky in that aspect, but we did gain entry to 2 gated communities that we would have wasted a trip out to the country for otherwise. Imagine my surprise when this is the house we pulled up to....
Hello LOVER!
I think anyone that knows me would say this house is screaming my name!
Now, back to which porch for that much needed glass of wine...
Oh my God!!!
WOW, that looks awesome!
nice little abode there.
just stoppin' by to say HEY! and i finally updated the bligittyblog.
and your blog is so super cute and cheery, made me smile!!!
Wow, that house looks awesome! All the porches and gables, it's just beautiful!
Pour a glass for me....and I don't care WHERE we drink it as long as it is somewhere around that BEAUTIFUL house. Wow.
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