Recently unemployed Stallion, looking for a 1 trick pony... *wink, wink*
When I got in the car to take the kids to school this morning, I saw this. I asked Declan why his Pinata was driving my car, with $12 cash in his hoof. He just rolled his eyes and told me, "Dad must have done it, Mom" sheesh. When did Greg and I get so dumb??? =)
I think I might be on the slow side...what's the $12 cash for or am I overthinking it?
LOL! Love it! :D
LOL, Tammy!! When I found the $ with the pinata, I spent the entire morning trying to figure out the significance to it (because there always is some when Greg is involved)...
After lunch I called him to see what it was, it was driving me crazy. He laughed and told me that all the money he had on him when he put the pinata in the car. I wasted *all* that brain power for nothing!!!
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